Outbreak Impact on Students Around the World | Student Reviews & University Rankings EDUopinions

Outbreak Impact on Students Around the World


It does not come as a surprise that the COVID-19 outbreak is also having a huge impact on students all over the world. The ones that are struggling the most are last-year students who were about to finalise their last semester or write their thesis. Today, EDUopinions is going to examine the outbreak impact on students, the problems that resulted from the situation and the possible solutions.

outbreak impact on students

Students that used to go to class daily, engage with their professors face to face and socialise with their colleagues, are now attending classes online. They might be writing their thesis, and, on top of that, a portion of these students has a job. The transition to the digital world is now an issue for many students because it was not a smooth and progressive process. In fact, students are now struggling to manage their time and focusing on their studies knowing what is happening outside of their four walls. Many students are away from their families and friends, facing quarantine alone.

adjusting to e-learning

Studying online from the comfort of their homes is not necessarily what is hard for students. What has been extremely hard is managing time. In other words, finding a balance between studying, writing a thesis, working, cooking and staying healthy is a challenge to many. Having to stare at a computer screen all day does not motivate students, who get distracted easily. However, the overall feedback is that e-learning is going better than expected.

how to overcome problems

Outbreak Impact on Students

Many students are still adjusting to the current situation. The majority gets distracted and is not motivated to follow lectures from home. If you belong to this category of students, it’s time for you to find out how to stay motivated while at home. First, plan your day. Take breaks in between tasks, take deep breaths, work out, make food, talk to roommates, do something artsy, and avoid sitting down for too many hours. Getting up, taking a shower, having breakfast, and dressing up before your e-class also helps you focus more. If you wake up two minutes before class and attend it from your bed and in your PJs, you are not going to find the motivation to follow the class. It might seem obvious but planning your day and taking breaks really helps.

What is missed about life on-campus that cannot be replaced by e-learning?

What students miss about their life on campus is the social aspect of things. Many get their energy from the people around them. When they are alone, they might find it hard to suck that energy off from tons of different people through a computer screen. Many others miss going to the library and having a quiet place to study. The majority of students, in fact, do not have access to the same resources that are available on campus.

university support to students

Universities are taking all the necessary actions to protect their staff and students. Classes, exams, and open days are happening online. Campuses around the world are temporarily closed. Students who were supposed to discuss their thesis will do so virtually. Some universities also postponed application deadlines. At the moment, though, the upcoming academic year is expected to start as scheduled. And because of that, EDUopinions continues to give free personalised advice to students looking for the right programmes for them.

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Cristian is the Assistant Editor & Consultant at EDUopinions with a passion for Education and Learning. Born and raised in Italy, he worked and studied in various countries, including the USA, UK, and Denmark.

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