Student review [19458] for University of Lisbon

Student review [#19458] for Law
at University of Lisbon - ULisboa

Lisbon, Portugal
10 Nov, 2021
Faculty of Law at University of Lisbon - Decent education in amazing city

Having recently concluded my Bachelor in Law at the University of Lisbon I am now able to look back and reflect on my experience.
In summary, I would say the Faculty of Law stands out on four aspects:
1. Recognition – recognized as a top University in Portugal it definitely enhances career prospects, especially internationally.
2. Erasmus programs – I participated in two exchange programs, taking place in another Portuguese city and in the European Union.
3. Location and Student Life – the Faculty is located in the city center making it easy to enjoy the cosmopolitan life. There are several student activities throughout the year including parties and events.
4. Evaluation system – even though the curriculum is tough you get many opportunities to pass. Through participation, written exams or oral exams the evaluation period is long but allows you to keep trying.

That being said, the Faculty definitely has its problems:
1. Professors – you never know what kind of class you will land on. Could be the best teacher you ever had, one that makes you interested and wanting to participate. Could be the worst you will ever be in contact with, intimidating and insulting making you want to quit. You will question your decision.
2. The Faculty does not care about you. Weather this is true or not you will, at some point, feel like the faculty does not care for its students’ interests and problems. From changing evaluation methods and dates of exams in the middle of a semester to never getting answers back on important emails or waiting months for your grades to come out.
Important note: This is not true for the staff workers, who will always offer you a smile and kind words!
3. Facilities – apart from the beautiful grandiose entrance the Faculty itself was very lacking. Some of the bathrooms were recently renovated but most remain dilapidated with every single door unable to properly close and lock. The amphitheaters are spacious but the classrooms fitting sometimes more than 30 students have crammed old desks and get especially cold during winter. The library is good but lacks space funneling the traffic to the study room, where the space is uncomfortable and lacking in outlets.

Overall you will be able to cover all the bases related to law, in a challenging setting and enjoy all the great things Portugal has to offer, without breaking your bank account.

Programme: Law
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2021
Campus: Lisbon, Portugal
Career Prospects
Student Life
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