Student review [17354] for University of Lisbon

Student review [#17354] for Ecology
at University of Lisbon - ULisboa

Lisbon, Portugal
25 Jul, 2020
A haven for foreign students

The university is at an excellent location inside the urban matrix of Lisbon. Public transportation abounds: subway, bus, and train are available at short walking distances. A universal canteen is available to all university students, although each faculty has its own. The university stadium is open to everyone and you can practice many different sports there. Internet is available for all the students on the entire campus.
The administrative services are poorly organized, although I’ve heard they treat foreign students better than resident students. Expect a lot of bureaucracy.
The professors are mostly excellent and they try to be available to the students whenever they can. However, classes are usually in Portuguese, so you will need to learn Portuguese if you want to enjoy classes as best as you can. Fortunately, the language is easy to learn. Just take some classes in Duolingo to get accustomed.
Your colleagues and students are very receptive. This was probably the best part of joining this university, and many of my colleagues are still some of my best friends today! If everything else fails, know that your colleagues will at least be there to help and support you. Just be careful not to get dragged too much into the “student life”. I’ve known many people that didn’t graduate because of that. Enjoy knowing and spending time with other students, but don’t lose your focus!

Programme: Ecology
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2011
Campus: Lisbon, Portugal
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Flávio

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