Student review [13220] for University of Lisbon

Student review [#13220] for Pharmaceutical Sciences
at University of Lisbon - ULisboa

Lisbon, Portugal
Pharmaceutical Sciences
19 Dec, 2019
Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon

This university is split in various campuses across the universitary city in Lisbon, having great accesses and being located in the center of the capital of the country. The whole university is considered to be the best of Portugal, having people from all across the country enrolled, as well as plenty of foreign students.
Having many great assets, it also has a lot of flaws. Many of the campuses are deteriorated and outdated as well as the materials for the students. Not much investment is made by the state in order to aid the university. Many students have a lot of issues finding a place to stay when they come from far across the country and many times have to pay a lot of money for homing. This, among other flaws, counterbalance the various great assets of this university, deterring its rise in the world university rankings.
As for my campus, the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon, it is still considered the best faculty of pharmacy in Portugal, even though faculty of Porto is a close second on the list. However it is highly deteriorated and lacks up-to-date laboratory materials for classes and investigation works performed in the faculty. The own management of the faculty doesn’t help to update and improve the faculty, leaving a lot of that work to the student council. Even with all these things, the teachers in the faculty are some of the best of the country in their expertise areas and most of the students leave the faculty ready for working life.
Overall, even with its flaws it is one of the best faculties and universities in portugal and should be regarded as such, though it has a lot of ways yet to improve.

Programme: Pharmaceutical Sciences
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2019
Campus: Lisbon, Portugal
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @João

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