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University of the People - UoPeople Speciality : Computer Science

programme: BSc Physical Science with Computer Science


1 Student Reviews

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  • BSc Physical ...
    Science with Computer Science
    Shawkat Hossain
    A Comprehensive Journey

    Studying for a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science at the University of the People has been a rewarding journey. The program’s flexibility and accessibility stood out to me as key strengths. Being able to pursue my degree remotely allowed me to balance my studies with other commitments, such as work or family responsibilities. The online learning platform provided a wealth of resources, including lecture materials, discussion forums, and interactive assignments, which enhanced my understanding of the subject matter.

    1. Flexibility: The ability to study at my own pace and schedule was invaluable.
    2. Accessibility: The online format allowed me to access course materials from anywhere with an internet connection.
    3. Resources: The abundance of learning resources provided comprehensive support for my studies.
    4. Community: Engaging with fellow students and instructors through online forums fostered a sense of community and collaboration.

    Areas for Improvement:
    1. Course Structure: Some courses could benefit from clearer organization and sequencing of materials to facilitate learning progression.
    2. Feedback Mechanisms: Enhancing feedback mechanisms, particularly for assessments, could further support students in understanding their strengths and areas for improvement.
    3. Practical Applications: Incorporating more hands-on projects or real-world applications into the curriculum could enhance the practical skills development of students.

    Overall Summary:
    My overall study experience at the University of the People has been positive. The flexibility of the program allowed me to pursue my academic goals while accommodating my personal and professional commitments. The wealth of resources available and the supportive online community contributed to my learning journey. While there are areas that could be improved, such as course structure and feedback mechanisms, the program’s strengths outweigh any limitations. I am grateful for the opportunity to further my education in computer science through this innovative and accessible platform.

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    Programme: BSc Physical Science with Computer Science
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2028
    Delivery Type: Online
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