Student review [59089] for Brigham Young University–Idaho

Student review [#59089] for Applied Sciences
at Brigham Young University–Idaho - BYU

Rexburg, Idaho, United States
Applied Sciences
9 months ago

BYU Pathway has been a game-changer for me. Its flexibility has truly transformed my educational journey. As a working adult with family responsibilities, pursuing a degree seemed like an unattainable dream. However, BYU Pathway’s online format, combined with its self-paced courses, allowed me to balance my commitments while advancing my education.

The ability to choose my own study schedule has been invaluable. I can study when it suits me best, whether it’s early in the morning or late at night, making it possible to fit coursework around my job and family life. This flexibility also means I can progress at my own pace, which has reduced the stress associated with traditional education.

Furthermore, the support provided by BYU Pathway’s mentors and online resources has been instrumental in my success. I never feel alone on this educational journey. The mentorship and guidance have helped me stay motivated and on track.

In summary, BYU Pathway’s flexibility has made it possible for me to pursue higher education without sacrificing my work or family life. It’s an empowering platform that has opened doors I never thought possible, and I’m grateful for the opportunities it has provided.

Programme: Applied Sciences
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Career Prospects
Student Life
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