Student review [50697] for University of Oxford

Student review [#50697] for English Language and Literature
at University of Oxford

Oxford, The United Kingdom
English Language ...
and Literature
13 Apr, 2023
Brilliant but intense university.

I would highly recommend Oxford University if you are an academic and self-motivated individual. You will have the chance to meet some interesting people and the tutors will be leaders in their given field. In my experience, they are well aware of the workload and will be understanding if you are struggling. The collegiate system is great as it fosters a sense of community and really does become like a family, although from what I have seen it can get a bit cliquey.
This university is challenging and there will be some days when you will spend the whole day in the library. You will have a lot of work to keep on top of which isn’t for everyone, and the pastoral support available can be extremely unhelpful.
Overall, though, I love studying here!

Programme: English Language and Literature
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2025
Campus: Oxford, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
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