Student review [15567] for University of Loughborough

Student review [#15567] for Engineering Management
at University of Loughborough

Leicester, The United Kingdom
Engineering Management
31 May, 2020
Amazing experience but corners always cut

I have loved my time at university and the student experience for the most part really has been amazing. One fault I would like to point out is that some of the lecturers put minimal effort into teaching their modules. Obviously there are some wonderful lecturers who try their hardest to get you to understand the content and give you the time you need and I really value these lecturers. However, there are those who do not respond to emails, who have not put the effort into teaching and just read off slides and do not care to help once they are ‘off the clock’ even during working hours. Certain lecturers who have been complained about in many different modules and through feedback given by students have not made any effort to improve their teaching and complaints taken higher are rarely listened to. It has been frustrating as my course is the top in the country however sometimes it is really hard to believe this. I know that there is definitely so much potential for the course to be amazing due to the facilities available and those lecturers who really do go above and beyond. The lecturers who put low effort into their jobs could really learn a lot by listening to student feedback or seeing the effort their colleagues put into their students. I really hope this improves, as I believe Loughborough is a top university that cares about their students academically and mentally as there is a lot of support, however certain lecturers really let the standards fall unfortunately making a huge negative impact in the Loughborough experience and if I knew this before attending it would possibly change my decision to attend as education is the main priority when deciding where to spend a huge £9250 per year.

Programme: Engineering Management
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2021
Campus: Leicester, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
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