Student review [23415] for University of Essex

Student review [#23415] for Art and Environment
at University of Essex

Colchester, The United Kingdom
Art and ...
17 Apr, 2022
Essex university

I’m a second-year student, so, in the approximately 14 months that I’ve spent here so far, I couldn’t be any happier. I found the best friends for life, I found different clubs and societies where I can socialise and spend my free time, the life is just amazing. There is so much responsibility but I absolutely love it! Everything is up to me and there is no one to decide about something on my behalf, compared to when living with parents… all in all, 10/10. They organise relevant events such as career fairs and invite different guest speakers to talk about their experiences of graduating and entering the work world. My department, Essex Business School, also organises alumni events called Successful Futures which are really helpful and useful for us, students. I like the most how interesting lecturers are, how they try so hard and put so much effort to engage us and involving us in the lecture/class. I dislike some of the lecturers’ accents because it makes it a bit difficult to understand everything, but that’s not a big deal, to be honest. I like that there is a team of lecturers and teachers that I can go to if I need help, as they are very approachable. I don’t like that we have no more exams, quite boring for the average student. Not much there apart from the one or two clubs. Lots of elderly people probably don’t like seeing students everywhere. Quite a lot of choices but most societies take place in the evenings and I wouldn’t wait all day to go to one, I wanted to do dance club but it is on my day off so I wouldn’t come in just for it once so far Really good, made great friends and great course. There is a lot of SUpport for students. Such a friendly great atmosphere. All the staff are friendly and very helpful. I have enjoyed university a lot and learnt a lot not just academically, but about life skills in general. I feel like university is a good place to grow as an adult and an academic and Essex has let me do that perfectly. Facilities are amazing they are amazing for sports and give athletes a better chance of winning the arena and gym are incredible…

Programme: Art and Environment
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Colchester, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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