Student review [37889] for Bath Spa University

Student review [#37889] for Media
at Bath Spa University

Bath, The United Kingdom
14 Nov, 2022
University's Community

As a Second Year University Student, I have completed my first year experience at Bath Spa University.
Going from being at school/sixth form 5 days a week for 6 hours a day, to a maximum of 10 hours at university a week, there was a drastic change in the community feel for me whilst in first year.
Apart from befriending the people I lived with I struggled a lot to make any friends outside of my housing due to the little contact time with my peers whilst at University.
There are lots of opportunities to make friends such as societies and extra curricular activities, but for someone with anxiety this can be a daunting option to explore.
The aspect to remember about this possible experience is that we are not alone in feeling like this, I found it hard as I seemed to only see everyone chatting to each other, bonding over everything and anything, however that is often not the case. The view I was seeing was a small glimpse into the majority of students at the University. I wouldn’t see people by themselves as if they were they would most likely be in their room.
It was hard for me and still isn’t always easy, even after the summer break and back in a new house and new environment, going into class can be quite intimidating, however as I take each day at a time I am communicating more with my peers and talking to my lecturers regularly. Whilst also looking more into extra curricular activities and pushing myself out of my comfort zone.

Programme: Media
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2024
Campus: Bath, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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