Student review [5574] for Middle East Technical University

Student review [#5574]
at Middle East Technical University - METU

Ankara, Turkey
21 Feb, 2018

Middle East Technical University provides all a student can ask for from an university. It has all the indoor and outdoor facilities you can ever imagine (tennis courts, pools, a shopping mall etc.) The lectures are highly efficient and satisfying, the professors are capable of speaking fluent, flawless English and they really know what they’re talking about. Another considerable fact is that they(professors and other people in a nutshell) respect students and appreciate their ideas. Life expenses are lower when compared with most universities among Turkey. As I’m coming from Istanbul, I’m staying in the dormitory and I’m glad to say that I’m content about the dorm. Other than that students are very active in social activities, there are lots of student communities where students sharing the same interests gather and organize events, partake of their ideas, trying to make our world a better place. In my opinion METU deserves a five star.

Campus: Ankara, Turkey
Reply to @Eda

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