Student review [22293] for Erasmus University Rotterdam

Student review [#22293] for Communication and Media Studies
at Erasmus University Rotterdam - EUR

Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Communication and ...
Media Studies
24 Mar, 2022
Contemporary take on Communication and Media

I‘ve been studying the international bachelor of communication and media for a little over half a year now and I really like it so far. The course is by far one of the most international courses in the Netherlands, with classrooms filled with students from all over the world. The teachers also are from various different countries and some of them have even worked for big names in the media industry, such as CNN and they often give anecdotes to give you an idea of where you might end up one day. The course is very interesting and covers topics from sociology, communication psychology, but also scientific research methods. Even though Erasmus tried to implement opportunities for creative work, such as the design of campaigns, the course is very focused on research and science. You will need to do a lot of readings on the theory and most of us would love to do more creative assignments such as the production of media. Nevertheless, I still really enjoy the course and would recommend it to everyone who’s interested in working in the field of media. One big drawback about studying in Rotterdam is the housing situation. There is not a lot of affordable student housing, so I would really advise anyone who’s considering studying here to start looking very early in the year. I’ve even heard about people who stayed in hotels for months and instead of building a student housing building the university decided to build yet another study space and a new sports building. The campus of Erasmus is very big and has amazing modern facilities with various restaurants.

Programme: Communication and Media Studies
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2024
Campus: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Career Prospects
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