Student review [68434] for Stellenbosch University

Student review [#68434] for Business Administration and Operations Management
at Stellenbosch University - SU

Stellenbosch, South Africa
Business ...
Administration and Operations Management
2 months ago
Heavy Workload

It was a difficult experience for me to pursue my Masters of corporate Administration (MBA) at North-West University, but it also gave me important insights into the corporate world. I want to share a critical evaluation with anyone who may be thinking about applying to NWU’s program as a 2020 graduate.

One of the strengths of the program is its comprehensive curriculum, which covers a wide range of business topics such as finance, marketing, operations, and strategy. The courses are designed to provide students with a solid foundation in business principles and prepare them for leadership roles in the corporate world.

However, one of the drawbacks of the program is its heavy workload. The coursework can be demanding, especially for students who are also working full-time. This can make it challenging to balance work, study, and personal life.

Another criticism of the program is the lack of practical experience. While the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom is valuable, some students may find that they lack hands-on experience in real-world business situations. This can be a disadvantage when entering the job market or seeking career advancement.

Additionally, the program could benefit from more opportunities for networking and professional development. While there are some networking events and guest lectures, more emphasis could be placed on helping students build connections and develop their professional skills.

All in all, earning my MBA at NWU was a rewarding experience that provided me with a solid grounding in the principles of business. A few parts of the curriculum, most notably networking opportunities, real-world experience, and task management, might use some strengthening.

Programme: Business Administration and Operations Management
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2020
Career Prospects
Student Life
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