Student review [70620] for North-West University

Student review [#70620] for Economics
at North-West University - NWU

Potchefstroom, South Africa
1 month ago
Sheer Volume Of Data Analysis

Fresh out of high school, I arrived at then North-West University with a head full of dreams and ready to conquer the Bachelors in Economics and International Trade. I visualized the program as a global marketplace – a vibrant space where I’d delve into the complex analysis of trade patterns, and unlock the secrets of international commerce. The experience? It was an enriching rollercoaster ride, filled with the thrill of discovery and the rhythmic click-clack of calculator buttons.

The course on “International Trade Finance” is the highlight on this academic journey. Gone were the days of dry lectures on trade theories. Instead, the classroom transformed into a mock trading floor, the air buzzing with focused energy as we navigated letters of credit and explored financing mechanisms for international transactions. The rhythmic whir of the projector displayed complex flowcharts, and the room crackled with the electricity of simulated negotiations. This course wasn’t just about learning formulas; it was about applying theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios, a skillset that’s crucial for anyone navigating the complexities of international trade.

The overwhelming of data analysis, especially in courses like trade statistics and global economics, could feel as overwhelming as a cluttered spreadsheet at times. Prospective students, be ready to hone your quantitative skills – agility with data analysis and a strong foundation in math will be your best weapons.

The Bachelors in Economics and International Trade at NWU was an experience of intellectual growth and practical application. It equipped me with a deep understanding of international trade dynamics, honed my analytical skills, and fostered a global perspective. It needs people who are willing to dive headfirst into the world of numbers. This program will equip you to grasp the complexities of international trade and become a valuable asset in the ever-evolving global marketplace. Who knows, the next international trade deal or groundbreaking economic policy might just be influenced by the analysis you craft at NWU.

Programme: Economics
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2018
Career Prospects
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