Student review [17894] for National Research University Higher School of Economics

Student review [#17894] for Management
at National Research University Higher School of Economics - HSE

Moscow, Russia
28 Sep, 2020
Tough to get but so worth it

I definitely recommend the Higher School of Economics. And here’s why:

1) Practical teachers. In addition to professors and doctors of science, you will be taught by business owners or those who hold senior positions in companies such as Yandex, KPMG. Here you will learn everything you need to launch a startup or conduct research, including funding.
2) The UNIVERSITY is advanced in every sense. Individual curriculum (part of the subjects you choose yourself), bureaucracy at a minimum, some classes are conducted in English.
3) This is the UNIVERSITY where you decide. You evaluate courses and teachers and vote for innovations. HSE listens and hears its students.
4) The UNIVERSITY is well equipped.
Each classroom has a computer with Internet access, a projector, and wi-fi. There are computer classes and a smart library, including access to thousands of books, including in foreign languages.

And the most important thing is that teachers who love their profession and chosen field of activity work here.

Programme: Management
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2020
Campus: Moscow, Russia
Career Prospects
Student Life
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