Student review [12485] for National Research University Higher School of Economics

Student review [#12485] for Economics and Finance
at National Research University Higher School of Economics - HSE

Moscow, Russia
Economics and ...
11 Oct, 2019
Highest standards, tough learning process

It seems to me that ICEF is the best education that can be obtained in Russia in the field of economics and finance, and I am ready to argue with the argument that this is exactly so. Most of my classmates worked while studying. Moreover, they began to build a career very early. When my friends from other universities did not even think about work, I already passed my second internship.

I would outline 3 things:

1) People. I met a huge number of wonderful, purposeful people who inspire me to work and develop. Students of some universities motivate you to hang out and have fun every day, but at ICEF everything is different. From the 2nd to 3rd-year people work in top companies, win in case championships, write cool scientific papers and have other achievements.

2) Hard study. I am grateful that it was hard for me to study. I believe that all these super-complex subjects that really had to be taught and passed, very cool pumped me.

3) Atmosphere. The two previous things create a wonderful atmosphere in which you want to develop, learn, work, win. In a word, I would call it an atmosphere of success. And it’s very cool!

Programme: Economics and Finance
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2019
Campus: Moscow, Russia
Career Prospects
Student Life
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