Student review [57297] for University of Uyo

Student review [#57297] for BA (hons) English
at University of Uyo - UNIUYO

Uyo, Nigeria
BA (hons) ...
10 months ago
UniUyo: The mixed feelings

My years at the University of Uyo were undoubtedly transformative, but they were not without their challenges. Navigating the financial aspect of schooling proved to be an exhausting feat, as I couldn’t afford to pay the steep tuition fees, and student loans or scholarships were not viable options for me. It was disheartening to witness fellow students facing similar struggles, and the lack of accessible financial aid added an additional layer of stress to our academic journey. Despite these hurdles, I remained determined to pursue my education and chased every opportunity to fund my studies. Through hard work, perseverance, and the unwavering support of my family, I managed to secure part-time jobs and freelance gigs, piecing together the funds to cover my expenses. These experiences taught me invaluable lessons in resilience and resourcefulness, molding me into a tenacious individual ready to take on life’s challenges.

Amidst the financial burden, I encountered another set of challenges within the academic sphere. While some lecturers at the University of Uyo exemplified unwavering dedication to their profession, there were unfortunate instances of faculty members who were more interested in exploiting students than imparting knowledge. Absenteeism from classes and the expectation of bribes to secure favorable grades tarnished the academic environment. As an A student, I was committed to rising above such unethical practices, never compromising on my principles. Instead, I sought refuge in the university library, investing countless hours in self-study and research to excel academically. Despite the external pressures, I remained focused on my academic goals, emerging stronger and more resilient in the face of adversity. These experiences instilled in me a profound appreciation for integrity and the importance of standing firm in the pursuit of knowledge and excellence.

Programme: BA (hons) English
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2018
Campus: Uyo, Nigeria
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