Student review [28741] for Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

Student review [#28741] for Electronics Engineering
at Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey - ITESM

Monterrey, Mexico
Electronics Engineering
29 Jun, 2022
very good institution

The university makes sure in most cases to have the most highly trained professors and to teach the new trends in the industry.

The offer of careers by campus is very limited if it is a campus that is not located in the main cities of the country, which means that many students have to transfer to another campus. This causes that the student body is reduced in the first years, which although it can be an advantage in the communication between student and teacher, you are not offered a student coexistence as you would expect. The university tries to carry out activities of coexistence but the fact that that there are few students with very different schedules makes it very difficult.

This does not usually happen on campuses with the largest student body such as Monterrey, CDMX and Guadalajara.

The new educational system (Tec 21) has many positive things such as projects, however for the engineering area this system causes a lot of workload due to the fact that a very short time is established for complex topics and a high number of exams.

Programme: Electronics Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2025
Campus: Monterrey, Mexico
Career Prospects
Student Life
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