Student review [61013] for Kaunas University of Technology

Student review [#61013] for Materials Physics and Nanotechnologies
at Kaunas University of Technology - KTU

Kaunas, Lithuania
Materials Physics ...
and Nanotechnologies
7 months ago
They had the program I was looking for

One of the reasons I chose to go to this university is because they had the program I wanted to study, which was material science.
The end reason why I decided to go here was not only the study program but also the price of the studies.
I would have to say overall, my opinion is good. However, I do think there is too much theory and not enough practice and I think this could be a problem because practice is a very important part of jobs.
The campus is very nice and I like the concept of how the city is the campus and I have to say that after the first couple weeks everything is very easy to navigate. I am lost few times nowadays.
Another thing I like is the timing of the class, we have very sectioned off times for each class and it allows me to have a very structured day. I also like that the classes are an hour and a half, if they were longer I think I wouldn’t be able to focus on everything, but if they were shorter it would feel pointless to go to class for so long.
Something I don’t like it the fact everything seems to be in Lithuanian. Some of the newsletters we get are in English but most are not, makes sense because they are only in that language. However, I would like the same amount of opportunities as all the other students.

Programme: Materials Physics and Nanotechnologies
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2026
Campus: Kaunas, Lithuania
Career Prospects
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