Student review [20598] for The University of Milan

Student review [#20598] for Marketing Analytics and Data Science
at The University of Milan - UniMi

Milano, Italy
Marketing Analytics ...
and Data Science
04 Jan, 2022
A review about the program, university and the city

First, the University of Milan atmosphere is really great. There are many international students in the university and you can observe a multicultural environment in it. The university facilities like restaurants and libraries are nice and I am really happy about these things here. One point that I should mention is the competition for the dormitory accommodation service. It is really hard to become eligible for a room inside the dorm in the first year of studying as an international student.

Second, the city has a lot of nice things for students. A lot of entertaining places for holidays and weekends. Also, in Milan, you can access a lot of government facilities easily. A disadvantage about the city is high expenses in comparison with some other desirable cities for students in Italy such as Padua, Bologna, Turin, etc.

Third, the program and the courses are so attractive to me. Professors are kind and helpful and we are benefited from a high level of knowledge. The courses which you can select in this program are really useful for you if you want to continue your career in industry or academia as a PhD or a researcher.

Finally, becoming a data scientist is a sexist job in the 21st century and there will be a lot of attractive and high paid job positions for this field of study after graduation. Nowadays, data is playing an integral role everywhere in the world and you can apply your knowledge everywhere such as Economics, Marketing, Health Care, etc.

Programme: Marketing Analytics and Data Science
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Milano, Italy
Career Prospects
Student Life
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