Student review [23625] for York University

Student review [#23625] for Biomedical Science
at York University - YU

Toronto, Canada
Biomedical Science
21 Apr, 2022
Biomedical Science @ YorkU - To pursue or not to pursue

York University – Keele Campus provides the ideal, if not better post-secondary experience one could ask for. Despite the fear of strikes occurring, York University provides one with great campus life, as a person gets to pursue their careers through advancements in their education, all while meeting new friends and facing new opportunities. The biomedical science program at York University is a program I can personally say has been one of the most fulfilling things I have pursued. The labs for courses were educational and fun while the content learned was a lot but manageable. The professors in the biology department deserve credit for many students’ academic performances as they allow for the course content to be communicated thoroughly and understood by all the students. Although it is a more complicated degree to pursue due to the high course workload and any prerequisites required to graduate, I can personally say that completing this degree has been a journey and an accomplishment. Whilst pursuing this degree I was also able to experience the campus life, despite COVID interfering, and can say that the student community at York is the best of the best. From the recreational Co-Ed intramural sports to the multicultural performances, York has provided students with the perfect opportunities to relax and unwind in between classes. In my opinion, if you are thinking of majoring in biology or even need it to pursue a graduate study, York University is a great stepping stone in aiding in one’s journey to pursue excellence in their careers

Programme: Biomedical Science
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Toronto, Canada
Career Prospects
Student Life
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