Student review [26583] for University of Guelph

Student review [#26583] for Microbiology
at University of Guelph

Guelph, Canada
04 Jun, 2022
Hard and a lot of work - but overall great

I’m in the microbiology program. I really enjoy the lectures and the labs. The TA’s are generally very helpful during the labs and they usually answer emails about the labs within a day or two. My main complaint is that the lectures are not recorded and posted like some of the other universities (pre-covid). Some courses are going back to not having recorded lectures now that we are in person again. The profs can speak very fast and some have lecture slides with minimal words on them, making it difficult to keep up and take notes for midterms and the final exam. The campus is great and our food in Creelman hall is blessed though. We do have some international students here, but not as many as other universities. I like that the science department emails us about events on campus where people from different science-related jobs come and tell us how they got their position and what it encompasses so that students can start narrowing down what career path suits them best. Also… the university could be much more diverse. Most of the students are white/ white-passing.

Programme: Microbiology
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Guelph, Canada
Career Prospects
Student Life
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