Student review [58626] for Queen's University

Student review [#58626] for Concurrent Education
at Queen's University

Ontario, Canada
Concurrent Education
10 months ago
Queen's resources, culture, and community

After just one year at Queen’s University, I have learned a lot about myself. Through how I study best, collaborate with classmates, and regulate my emotions, Queen’s taught me a lot. As with all universities, you get what you give. However, there are definitely certain moments throughout university when extra assistance is needed. I found Queens vocalized the importance of support for students often, however, didn’t provide accessible help as claimed. For example, there was a period where my mental health was at its lowest, and throughout all of orientation week, I was told there were resources students could use. After trying to get in contact with a counsellor on campus, it took multiple weeks to even get an appointment. By the time my appointment would have came, my mental health would have deteriorated even more. Although I understand there are thousands of students who have their own struggles, and only few organizations at the school, I think different advertising would benefit Queen’s immensely. Given their social media posts, and countless of emails, I was under the impression that those resources would be easily accessible. In terms of community and university culture – its definitely subjective. I found there were multiple ways to get involved at Queens. Through intramurals, clubs, and leadership initiatives, there are plenty of ways to find your niche and get to know others. As with the university culture, it’s a different experience for everyone, as finding friends and figuring out parts of yourself, usually goes.

Programme: Concurrent Education
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Kingston, Ontario
Career Prospects
Student Life
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