Student review [26087] for Queen's University

Student review [#26087] for Drama and Performance
at Queen's University

Ontario, Canada
Drama and ...
27 May, 2022
Performing Arts Major

As I am headed towards my 4th and final year at Queens University I feel as though I can provide a well-educated review of the school and my program. To begin, the program in performing arts has a special place in my heart as I truly love what I am learning from fieldwork to history and knowledge of theatre. The professors have been absolutely nothing but amazing all kind-hearted people who want nothing but the best for their students. As for student life at queens, it is most definitely a social school which I believe to be extremely important to destress and to meet people who come from various different upbringings. Since my second year of university, I have lived in what we call “the student ghetto” which is located all around the campus and is all queens students. It is super easy to meet people and very close to the school that you really feel a part of the queen’s community living in that area. Of course, there are factors that I think could be improved as I am sure many other schools face. My biggest improvement for the school would have to be their mental healthcare as many students face mental health and access to therapists or support is not always found within the school. Despite this, I truly love Queens and I would recommend it to any student looking to have an academic yet social university experience.

Programme: Drama and Performance
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Ontario, Canada
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Sabrina

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