Student review [56612] for Concordia University

Student review [#56612] for Computer Science
at Concordia University

Montreal, Canada
Computer Science
10 months ago
My expereince at Concordia University

I have spent a significant portion of my academic journey at Concordia University, studying in the Graduate Diploma Program. This period at Concordia has been a mixed bag of experiences, with its own share of ups and downs.

One of the aspects I truly appreciated about Concordia University is its diverse student community. The multicultural environment encouraged cross-cultural understanding and fostered a global perspective that I found to be extremely enriching. I was constantly intrigued by the vast array of perspectives offered by my peers from various parts of the world.

The faculty at Concordia is another aspect worth mentioning. The professors are highly knowledgeable and displayed a great deal of enthusiasm in their respective fields. Their willingness to engage with students and clarify concepts outside the classroom was commendable and contributed significantly to my learning.

On the other hand, the academic scheduling at Concordia posed a significant challenge for me. Due to a delay in my visa processing, I joined the Graduate Diploma Program in the Winter semester instead of the Fall semester. Consequently, I missed crucial prerequisite courses, which made it quite challenging to keep up with the rest of the curriculum. The University could perhaps offer more flexibility in this regard to accommodate unforeseen situations like mine.

Furthermore, I felt that the program was heavily theory-based, and there was a lack of practical, hands-on experience. While understanding the theory is important, incorporating more practical applications and real-world examples could make the learning experience more engaging and relevant.

In summary, my experience at Concordia University was a learning curve, both academically and personally. While there were elements that could be improved upon, the exposure and knowledge I gained have undoubtedly contributed to my overall growth. I am grateful for the opportunities Concordia has provided me, and I believe the lessons learned here will be instrumental in my future endeavours.

Programme: Computer Science
Degree: Short Course
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Montreal, Canada
Career Prospects
Student Life
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