Student review [43781] for La Trobe University

Student review [#43781] for sport and exercise science
at La Trobe University

Melbourne, Australia
sport and ...
exercise science
01 Dec, 2022
La Trobe University’s Social Life

La Trobe University is a sophisticated yet welcoming University. The Bundoora campus peaks with it’s beautiful scenery. The campus is surrounded by nature which is inviting to not only the students and professors, but also to those seeking a place to complete their studies. The location of the Agora on campus is extremely engaging as it brings the community together through a range of cafes, restaurants and areas to complete studying. Although the desire to achieve my dream career, the ultimate factor which excited me the most about attending University was the social aspect. Leading up to the beginning of University, I was always told that this is the place you make the most friends and experience times like no other. Here is where the issue arises. Post covid, University’s have struggled to embrace being extroverts. It seems that most people are still hiding in a confined room behind a screen. This is not just La Trobe University, most University’s around Australia are facing the same issue. Although studying remotely may become a convenience for most people, we should increase social environments. In La Trobe’s defence, we do have The Eagle where each student can crack open a beer after a hard day of studies. The only issue is first years are afraid to participate or do not know the location of this magical place. Overall, La Trobe University is a great University to study at and has a beautiful campus which you can roam around.

Programme: sport and exercise science
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Melbourne, Australia
Career Prospects
Student Life
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