Student review [61654] for Universidad de Oriente

Student review [#61654] for Medicina
at Universidad de Oriente - UDO

Puerto de la Cruz, Venezuela
7 months ago
From School to University

I started at University this year. I was very excited to the new experience of my life, but when I face what really it the university life, I’m not happy about it. So many people told to make studies in this university will be hard but it’s harder than people says. The another day I have to take my class in a classroom where made 41° at least, very warm, without ventilation, without electricity, I could even listened to the teacher because there were A LOT of people, more people than chairs, and the true is nobody care about the conditions of the classes. Obviously you can’t be focus 100%. I neither can bring my phone with me at university because it’s not secure, you can be a victim of thieves if you aren’t alert. Nowadays it’s hard to me to adapt to this environment, I hope things get better.

Programme: Medicina
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2030
Campus: Puerto de la Cruz, Venezuela
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