Student review [60544] for Universidad de Oriente

Student review [#60544] for Medicina
at Universidad de Oriente - UDO

Puerto de la Cruz, Venezuela
8 months ago
My experience.

I just finish my career after 8 years of studying. I’m really happy for being a doctor now, but only few people know how was my process to achieve this goal. Medicine is a beautiful career, but when others tell you it needs a lot of sacrifices you imagine the scene but it never near what really is. I had so many doubts while I was studying, will I be good for this? Could I achieve it? If I left the career and moving on to another country? When we are students we have so many worries about our performance at university and as professionals. It’s a hard feeling when you give your 100% and don’t approve or getting the results you expected. If you add living in a country like Venezuela that you need to worry about a lot of things maybe foreign people doesn’t have. You need to solve patient problems like helping them with materials or medicine because they are in the hospital but there are days where they don’t receive treatment because hospital doesn’t have. You have to face teachers who expected you know in one week what they learned in years. You have to go to the classroom with a weather in 40°, with no ventilation, dark, because the structure is poor but you can’t lost you class. So many obstacles that you can find and it drives you to think “does it really worth it?”. Being a university student in Venezuela is far to be easy due to all the economic situation and crisis. But I’m grateful to be part of the UDO, because it is my studies house, and where I spent my live the last 8 years, learning to help people to feel better, even with adversities we make the work with love.

Programme: Medicina
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Puerto de la Cruz, Venezuela
Career Prospects
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