Student review [18612] for The Ohio State University

Student review [#18612] for Comparative Literature
at The Ohio State University - OSU

Columbus, Ohio, United States
Comparative Literature
15 Oct, 2021
A Large University with many opportunities

The first thing you notice about OSU is that it’s a big school and that it’s practically a city. Not only is it the biggest university in Ohio but it’s one of the largest in the United States since it houses over 61,000 students. Aside from the large population, there are over 200 majors for students to choose from and they can earn a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate. I was there to earn my bachelor’s degree in Comparative Studies which is a relatively small department. It’s an interdisciplinary field where we studied how culture affected various aspects of society like politics, philosophy, religion, and history. My favorite course was Approaches to Comparative Studies since we focused on various scholars and their respective fields like post-modernism and African American criticism. I enjoyed the lectures and the intimate relationship with the department which felt a stark contrast with the rest of the school. While it was nice to go to a university with so many resources, the worst experience was with the administration. At times, I felt like a number, or even a piece of cattle and I heard the same from other students. Like many densely populated spaces, a feeling of loneliness is present because everyone is so busy with their studies and pressure from the school that they don’t have time to connect with each other. The good news is that the university has many student organizations and resources to help alleviate your stress. Especially if you are into sports like American football and the OSU Buckeyes is considered one of the best teams in the nation and you receive a discount as a student when you attend the games. The college feels alive and there are always parties and events to participate in. Another nice aspect of attending a robust university is the convenience. There were numerous libraries across campus and one of them is even 24 hours. Since it’s a major research institution, there are many labs and computers that students are able to use. My final complaint is the cost. The price isn’t outrageous since it is a public institution but like many universities in the United States, you may have to go into debt unless you have grants or scholarships. Criticism aside, there are many good aspects of the school and with its robust programs and resources there are many reasons to attend.

Programme: Comparative Literature
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2015
Campus: Columbus, Ohio, United States
Career Prospects
Student Life
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