Student review [32469] for Stony Brook University

Student review [#32469] for Psychology
at Stony Brook University

New York City, United States
30 Aug, 2022
Many pros and cons about Stony Brook University

Overall, my experience of Stony Brook University was pleasant – but that’s not to say that it didn’t have flaws, either. Stony Brook University is generally a campus that tries its best to have its students be inclusive within their campus life as well as offering variety of courses that can appeal to many students out there, despite its reputation of it being mainly a STEM school. However, the campus does fall short in the “inclusive” aspects in that the campus is heavily dominated by commuter students. Because of this, there is a huge divide between the experience of a commuter student who rarely gets to experience what the campus has to offer, and the students who dorm who gets to experience all the benefits the campus has to offer. In addition, the campus does try to promote all its resources and events, but it hasn’t been efficient at getting their messages through to their students. As for classes and professors, my experience has been pleasant as a Psychology BA major with concentration in philosophy and minor in Korean studies. However, I do recognize that certain majors, such as nursing students, have to take majority of their courses in other campuses like Suffolk community college – which I feel is a huge flaw within their programs.

Programme: Psychology
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: New York City, United States
Career Prospects
Student Life
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