Student review [39659] for Indiana Wesleyan University

Student review [#39659] for Illustration
at Indiana Wesleyan University

Marion, Indiana, United States
21 Nov, 2022
Becoming less relevant with time

IWU really shines in some of its individual professors. Each department may have its own differences, but a student is likely to find a professor and maybe even an academic advisor who really and truly cares for their well-being.

The worst parts of IWU are found in the mess that is a for-profit institution trying to embody the love of Jesus. Maximizing profits will continue to make the unaffordable prices worse, while accepting as many students as possible, regardless of how seriously they may take their respective disciplines.

I experienced (and perpetuated) a lot of queer trans xenophobia, and racism. This was propped up largely by a desire to embody a Wesleyan identity while also existing in Marion, Indiana, the city of the last public lynching. When I attended over ten years ago, they could not parse their diversity campaigns from tokenization. As they seemed to not have progress in their handling of civil rights for queer and trans people, I don’t expect IWU to have developed in striping away the colonialist and white supremacists underpinnings found in similar spaces.

I treasured some of my time there, but due to their backwards Code of Conduct I would not be accepted. Due to the diminishing value of a college degree in general, I would not want to apply, today. If you want to be babysat (as I once did), will tolerate 3 mandatory chapels per week with some unchallenging material, but would like a meticulously kept campus, and your family has large sums of money to burn, you may find IWU is the right choice for you.

Programme: Illustration
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2011
Campus: Marion, Indiana, United States
Career Prospects
Student Life
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