Student review [65214] for Indiana University Bloomington

Student review [#65214] for Information Systems
at Indiana University Bloomington - IU

Bloomington, Indiana, United States
Information Systems
4 months ago
Highly Recommend MSIS at Kelley, IU

My tenure at Kelley School of Business pursuing the Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS) was exceptionally rewarding. Despite the initial rigor of the program, the invaluable support from esteemed professors and dedicated career services significantly facilitated my academic journey.
The program’s structure, featuring collaborative group projects and insightful company seminars, allowed for a holistic and immersive learning experience. This approach not only enhanced my theoretical knowledge but also fostered practical skills essential for the dynamic professional landscape.

A noteworthy aspect of my academic experience was the opportunity to engage with industry leaders through platforms facilitated by Kelley. These interactions included virtual discussions with prominent figures from esteemed organizations such as Deloitte, PwC, Google, and Amazon. These engagements not only broadened my understanding of industry dynamics but also provided me with unique insights into their respective corporate cultures and leadership philosophies.

Kelley’s commitment to providing comprehensive exposure played a pivotal role in building my confidence as I transitioned into the workforce. The balanced curriculum and interactions with industry leaders ensured that I could navigate professional settings with ease, even in the presence of esteemed leaders, without feeling intimidated.
In conclusion, Kelley School of Business, through its MSIS program, not only equipped me with a robust academic foundation but also facilitated a seamless integration into the professional realm. The exposure, guidance, and networking opportunities provided have been instrumental in shaping my confidence and competence in my current role.

Programme: Information Systems
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2019
Campus: Bloomington, Indiana, United States
Career Prospects
Student Life
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