Student review [39389] for Harvard University

Student review [#39389] for Biology
at Harvard University

Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
20 Nov, 2022
Harvard - "It's Up to You"

There are many opportunities at Harvard. It’s up to you to find them. Basically anything, whatever club or activity you want to do, you can do it. It can be overwhelming, but it’s up to you what you want to do, what speakers you want to see, what events you want to attend, what events you want to participate in, what research you want to do. to do etc. There are resources and tips that can help you with this, but it’s up to you whether you use them. The students and teachers here are great, so seeing what people have done or what projects they are working on is scary but inspiring. In my opinion, one can make the most of their time at Harvard through one-on-one interactions with their peers and mentors. Classes of different quality. Professors are almost always smart, but how much time they spend or how well they teach can sometimes be an advantage. Financial aid at Harvard is excellent and has improved since my time there. My family paid less than half for my 4 years (roughly the cost of public school) and several friends who made less than $60k a year got full cost. It is a wonderful gift for the learning and adventure that awaits at Harvard.”

Programme: Biology
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Career Prospects
Student Life
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