Student review [46544] for George Mason University

Student review [#46544] for Educational Studies
at George Mason University - GMU

Fairfax, Virginia, United States
Educational Studies
26 Dec, 2022
Becoming Your Own Advocate

George Mason University (GMU) is a commuter school that has a dispersed community of students, some online, some hybrid, and few living on campus. Navigating this challenging atmosphere of “post”-pandemic times has made it challenging to take advantage of everything GMU has to offer. Entering the university as an exploratory student, with an undeclared major, I found it difficult to truly position myself in classes that offered any introduction to the more than 70 majors offered by George Mason University. Many classes were moved to an online setting, with professors unequipped to properly use the technology and troubleshoot at home. In addition, many professors did not have their lessons, labs, or lectures accessible on the GMU provided BlackBoard Collaborate software. After a few classes were moved in-person or hybrid, I began to meet more people, professors, and staff. The professors and staff in the Math Department and Integrative Studies Department were able to provide me with great scholarship opportunities that both fit my career interest and gave me enough freedom to work within my schedule. I do appreciate the cultural diversity in the school, with a 60-40 minority-majority split, with 60% of the school attended by students representing ethnic minorities, and 40% of the school representing white. The students of George Mason take pride in celebrating their cultural identities and do not shy away from who they are. Embarking on my 3rd-year in George Mason University, I personally would not recommend this school to individuals who are looking for a traditional college experience. This is a commuter school, with no football team, very few on-campus activities available to their off-campus students, and a small campus. I would recommend this school to an individual who is working part or full-time because of the online class availability.

Programme: Educational Studies
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Fairfax, Virginia, United States
Career Prospects
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