Student review [68122] for Full Sail University

Student review [#68122] for Graphic Design
at Full Sail University

Winter Park, Florida, United States
Graphic Design
3 months ago
Potential for an A+ University


1. The Project Launchbox which is a technology package included in tuition with relevant software and hardware related to your major! Kudos to Full Sail for providing a technology scholarship for students to remove this cost from your tuition bill.

2. High-quality education: I found education here at Full Sail does prepare you for the soft skills and technical aspects of the job; In just my third course, I found that their curriculums are progressive and prep you from Day 1 for an interview without sacrificing the student’s true character and personality; Way to go Full Sail!

3. Engaging students and faculty: From official Facebook and Twitch groups to top-notch faculty who are willing to answer and provide live examples and simplify readings, I am intrigued by how responsive everyone has been to my questions including the financial aid and student affairs staff! If you need anything or have any questions, pick up the phone or drop by and they are happy to help!


1. They should partner with more organizations to provide scholarships and grants that are relevant to the student’s course of study and internships for better job prospects. For example, the Department of Defense Cybersecurity Scholarship program, which offers a partnership with online schools, the AmeriCorps Segal Awards, Teach Grant, and so on.

2. Financial aid could offer remote work opportunities for work-study eligible applicants since it is an online university as well as on campus.

3. Students should get all the available licenses to learn the advanced features of Canva, Linkedin Premium, Lynda, etc. I would have loved more courses in Microsoft Office, Quickbooks, Adobe Photoshop, Salesforce, etc so I am having to play around with it on my own. It should be included for free with what we are paying in tuition here.

Overall, I say great university, but you still need to do more legwork as a student. I highly recommend volunteering or receiving a stipend as a volunteer or intern to get your foot in the door in addition to what credentials are required for your major to land a better-than-average job!

Programme: Graphic Design
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2025
Career Prospects
Student Life
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