Student review [38487] for Fordham University

Student review [#38487] for History
at Fordham University

New York City, United States
16 Nov, 2022
Fordham - The Best College Experience

Overall, your college experience is what you make of it. I play in New York, the biggest and best playground in history. So you can find what the school is missing, good food and more in one block. Some of my favorite college experiences are attending lectures by renowned professors and scientists, attending discounted student performances at the Lincoln Center Symphony near Fordham, and attending student theater and dance performances. We think Fordham has the best combination of location, community and workload. You will have plenty of time to explore and be exposed to different areas of study until you choose your route. I majored in business, theater, dance, computer science, pre-med, and political science. I have friends and they are all interesting, eclectic and fun. Fordham also works with Columbia and New York University to offer advanced courses to students from each university, depending on their field of study. Theology students from Columbia and NYU come to Fordham, and engineering and biotechnology students go to them. Fordham is great because it gives you a competitive edge in everything from college to graduation to employment. When you get to Fordham, that’s exactly what happens!

Programme: History
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2019
Campus: New York City, United States
Career Prospects
Student Life
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