Student review [37399] for Columbia University

Student review [#37399] for Teacher Education with Political Science
at Columbia University

New York City, United States
Teacher Education ...
with Political Science
11 Nov, 2022
Teachers College - Excellent Program

Higher education at Teachers College is incredibly good. All my professors were middle and high school teachers for years before going to college. Most of my professors have also written many textbooks, essays and articles related to my specialty and are the leaders of my field. Because I have gained so much experience, most of my lessons are based on hands-on learning. For example, we need to develop our lesson plans based on a single professor’s book or experience the process of creating a character for a play by actively observing and observing each other. There are also plenty of opportunities to listen to guest speakers. The program is designed to have a guest speaker and workshop each week of the semester. Themes moved away from using media for social justice in the classroom and integrating and using LGBTQ literature in the classroom. There are also teaching opportunities for students throughout the city. The program requires each student to work in both middle school and high school. The expectations and requirements for the fulfillment of the students’ teaching tasks are very clear. If needed, an additional class during student training so that trainees can process and practice what they have observed and learned in their class with other trainees.

Programme: Teacher Education with Political Science
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2021
Campus: New York City, United States
Career Prospects
Student Life
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