Student review [12234] for University of Winchester

Student review [#12234] for English
at University of Winchester

Winchester, The United Kingdom
26 Sep, 2019
The Winchester Experience!

The University of Winchester is a great environment to study, work, and socialize. This can be seen by how The University of Winchester values the welfare of its community and students. For instance, the University cares about the environment, and the sustainability of its campus. There are as well many volunteering, campus jobs, and career opportunities, (such as funding for work placements and driving lessons) that the University offers. There is also a vast range of societies, and activities from the Pudding society to the Commuters society.

The University of Winchester also ensures that Students concerns are listened too. Especially through schemes such as the Student Fellow Project, Student academic Reps, and Student senate. The University of Winchester is smaller than most universities, so staff can quickly get to know and provide detailed feedback to students.

Moreover, it is a shame that a lot of these volunteering, campus jobs, and career opportunities are often badly signposted. Winchester is a beautiful and historically interesting place, but compared with other areas can be quite expensive to live in. There have also been some issues with accommodation e.g. overly sensitive fire alarms that are constantly being set off. However, the University is working on dealing with these issues. Overall, being a student at The University of Winchester has been an amazing experience. I would definitely recommend attending an open day.

Programme: English
Degree: Bachelor's
Campus: Winchester, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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