Student review [26703] for University of Westminster

Student review [#26703] for Law
at University of Westminster

London, The United Kingdom
06 Jun, 2022
Accelerated and Challenging Law LLB

One can conclude that the university itself is located perfectly in central London that allows you to advertently select the relevant work experience and pupillages. This, therefore, enables you to boost yourself in the career that you are striving for. However, within the university itself unless you go beyond your means as just an academic then you will struggle to obtain the relevant opportunities that you seek; especially, if you are going to challenge the individuals that attend Russell Group universities. I would personally highly recommend visiting the onsite law clinic if you are a student, as this will contribute to vital law skills.

In terms of teaching, the abilities of facilities staff are impeccable and their list of achievements just as such; however, your personal experience of this does depend on the staff that you are placed with, so I do advise networking with your peers and transferring classes to the teachers that fit your learning style better. I have previously stayed in classes where certain used methods have not clicked, so I did have to teach myself most of the materials. Yet, with the course mainly being based on your own personal research and intuitive nature, this is the so-called “norm” anyway.

You will find that most lectures will be repetitions of “knowledge nuggets” that you receive earlier in the previous week, which means that as the semester goes on fewer students show up on campus.

The university does have various campus libraries spread out across London, yet the campus at Little Titchfield does not boast a very big one. The staff are extremely well trained and helpful. However, I personally cannot spend very long in these spaces due to how obnoxiously loud other students are; consequently, highlighting how these are more social spaces than that study. Four secluded study rooms are located in the library, but with a large number of students enrolled on the course, it is very hard to obtain one when needed.

The course’s structure is very rigid and boasts an abnormal formulation. The modules themselves are accelerated and only last a total of three months; whereas, other universities normally teach core modules (such as a contract) over three years. This means that you will constantly have to be on the ball and not only learn the basics of three areas of law at the same time, but also the complex principles that will guarantee you a First Class degree. Many students struggle with this approach, which has led to them considering or actually dropping out of the course.

Programme: Law
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2024
Campus: London, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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