Student review [14009] for University of Surrey

Student review [#14009] for Psychology
at University of Surrey

Guildford, The United Kingdom
23 Feb, 2020
It’s a decent university, but teaching excellence depends on your course

Overall had a positive experience with University of Surrey studying Psychology. The professors and lecturers are friendly, always happy to help and talk to you if you have any issues with the content. It is clear that they are happy to be at Surrey and teach their specialty. There are always improvements that can be done in all programmes and providing more detailed career advice and practical work, does not only apply to Psychology. However, other aspects of the University can generally be improved. Some important decisions are taken without considering the students’ opinions. For instance, the university recently signed a contract with a new company to run its buses throughout the town and our student campuses. After numerous complaints, however, the quality and timeliness (compared to the price) continue to be unreasonable. Furthermore, the prices of accommodation keep going up every year while the general outlook of the courts hasn’t been improved. The almost-expensive-as-London private housing in Guildford makes many students concerned and anxious they would have to earn extra money to pay their rent. Despite the luxurious price range in Guildford, most houses are old, moldy and do not meet the requirements that could be compared to their price counterparts in London. However, this is more of a problem to Guildford Borough Council rather than the University, as the university cannot alone do much about it. If you’re considering coming to Surrey though, be aware of this higher standard of living, as your degree may be at risk.

Programme: Psychology
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2020
Campus: Guildford, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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