Student review [20656] for University of Stirling

Student review [#20656] for Business Computing
at University of Stirling

Stirling, The United Kingdom
Business Computing
08 Jan, 2022
Good mixture of both Computing theory and real life situations

Considering most of my university experience has been online due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the circumstances have meant I have not had a lot of in-person teaching. The course has been as expected, the first year has been covering basic theory in order to get everyone at different levels to the same point. I’ve found 2nd year has been a significant jump so do not get complacent. You are expected to be a lot more independent in your approach to the provided tasks, however, they are always relevant to the theory you learn, and more importantly adapted to real-life situations which have helped me grow more confident towards the workplace environment. I would recommend it to someone who loves Computer science and is happy to perceive the subject, even when they are struggling, so long as they are willing to work on it. There is definitely help and guidance from lectures, however when it comes to coursework, not so much so you really need to stay on top of the workload throughout the semester.

Programme: Business Computing
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2025
Campus: Stirling, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
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