Student review [15882] for University of Southampton

Student review [#15882] for Chemistry
at University of Southampton

Southampton, The United Kingdom
17 Jun, 2020
Great teaching, poor accessibility

Southampton is a great University that gives you excellent career prospects and offers a range of great courses. The teaching staff on my course were fantastic and were always happy to meet with students and provide extra support where necessary. The facilities for my course were also good and the necessary materials were always provided at no extra cost. We even had a printing allowance which is uncommon.

The university itself is also good, as it has undergone a lot of renovations to modernise it. The library in particular is a fantastic space to work in.

The drawbacks to the university were mainly the lack of accessibility to sports facilities and societies due to high costs of membership to both the gym and the society itself, which were more costly to me than friends I had at other universities in the UK. However the university does offer schemes to help out financially with students who really need it. Another drawback is the lack of engagement between the students union and the students. I think it often misses the mark in what it needs to do to engage people, and could definitely offer a lot more in the way of affordable events and opportunities for students to enjoy, which a lot of other university student unions do.

As well as financial support the university does have a good support service for those who are struggling with physical and mental health conditions.

Programme: Chemistry
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2019
Campus: Southampton, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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