Student review [37098] for University of Salford

Student review [#37098] for Creative Writing
at University of Salford

Salford, The United Kingdom
Creative Writing
09 Nov, 2022
Overall Good Uni That Cares About Mental Health

Through my time at Salford, I have changed courses and contacted the universities well-being team. Understandably, both of these processes did take some time but once I got the help I needed it was plain sailing from there on.

It was fairly easy to find the wellbeing team for the university, as it is all on the student portal website. I had to fill in a couple forms describing my general wellbeing and then the wellbeing team emailed me asking me what appointment times would work for me. This took a few weeks and after this I had eight weeks of counselling – there is an option of continuing this further if the councillor decides it necessary.

I spent about 3 months trying to change courses and recruited the help of my university appointed councillor to help me get the process moving. she put me into contact with the assistant of the staff member I needed to talk to. from that moment onward it took a week to be accepted onto the new course. In this time I had to have a zoom meeting with said staff member, to discuss my reasoning for changing courses and to get to know each other. it was a fairly quick call, only taking 15 minuets, and they where very friendly.

My current curse is Creative Writing and I don’t have many negatives to say about the course. All the lecturers are approachable and considerate, deadlines can be bunched together but that it to be expected and all assessments are well explained. However, there have been a few scheduling conflicts with this course. For example, during the first semester there was an overlap with two modules that we where told could not be fixed. We did talk to our lecturer for one of the modules and she said she would make the recorded session available that day, instead of in a few days time like usual. Which allowed us to prepare for the workshop for that module in the afternoon.

The first course that I attended was Law, I didn’t get on with this course as I either had nothing or everything on in a day and found it quite overwhelming. Some lecturers also showcased a lack of understanding through emails containing the reasoning that I was unable to attend lectures and wanting extra help. however, there was one lecturer that really stood out and helped me start my counselling sessions earlier than expected.

Overall, I would say its a very good university.

Programme: Creative Writing
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2025
Campus: Salford, The United Kingdom
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