Student review [60746] for University of Portsmouth

Student review [#60746] for LLM
at University of Portsmouth - UoP

Portsmouth, The United Kingdom
7 months ago
A Review of the University of Portsmouth

The University of Portsmouth sets a commendable standard for inclusivity and support for disabled students. During my time studying Corporate Governance and Law for my Master’s degree, I was particularly impressed by how the university made necessary adjustments to accommodate disabled students. I had a classmate who faced mobility challenges, and the university promptly ensured that lecture halls, materials, and resources were accessible to them. This not only demonstrated the university’s commitment to creating an inclusive environment but also showcased its responsiveness to individual needs.

Additionally, the university’s continuous adaptation of programs to meet the needs of the job market and employers was exemplified during my studies. They actively sought industry insights and trends to update the curriculum. For instance, in one of my courses, we explored contemporary corporate governance practices, focusing on the latest regulatory changes and corporate sustainability, which had a significant impact on my understanding of the field. This commitment to relevancy and adaptability greatly benefits students in their academic journey and future careers.

Programme: LLM
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2019
Campus: Portsmouth, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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