Student review [38782] for University of Portsmouth

Student review [#38782] for Film Production
at University of Portsmouth - UoP

Portsmouth, The United Kingdom
Film Production
17 Nov, 2022
Good city, lacking course

I am currently in my final year studying Film Production. I love living in the city of Portsmouth, there’s lots to do and everything is close and convenient.

The lecturers tend to respond very quickly (some times within an hour!) and they usually give good helpful advice and are always willing to book a meeting with you to discuss work or answer any questions.

However, I feel that the actual course itself has been lacking in some areas. There have been times lessons and modules are announced or moved around last minute (sometimes on the morning of), even though its a practical course a lot of it still remains online, its always a pain to book film equipment, and sometimes even if you book far in advance others get prioritised and you cant get what you had previously requested.

Overall I’d say the course was okay but at times you have to do a lot of chasing and asking around to find out info. Everyone on the course is always willing to help and chat and share work/advice and the university has offered a few work opportunities.

Programme: Film Production
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Portsmouth, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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