Student review [21797] for University of Portsmouth

Student review [#21797] for Creative Writing
at University of Portsmouth - UoP

Portsmouth, The United Kingdom
Creative Writing
01 Mar, 2022
Creative Writing

I did Creative Writing BA at UOP for three years, I won’t call it the best 3 years of my life but it certainly wasn’t dull for a single minute. In Creative Writing at UOP, all of the lecturers have a real passion for writing and it shows in lectures and seminars, they’re truly creative individuals who encourage you to be proud of your imagination, of your own creativity and how you see the world. I can’t spoiler any of the classes, but with subjects like Media Fan Cultures, Fanfiction, and Mythology, you can expect a lot of laughs and good times.

However, I may also argue that sometimes my degree didn’t prepare me for the Creative Writing industry. Don’t get me wrong, they did and they did offer classes in Publishing, Journalistic or Screen-writing and what not but now that I’m nearing the end of my degree and looking for career prospects, I find myself not recognising a lot of terms used or not knowing what a lot of these employers actually want. I didn’t learn what SEO is, something most employers want from Creative Writer jobs or freelancing jobs; on a similar note, I never really learnt much about freelancing jobs either in the course. So much of it was focused on bettering ourselves as writers, learning about the author world and honing our skills but not so much on the lesser, more realistic side of things like freelancing, like SEO, what employers we’re most likely going to come across as graduates because lets face it, most of us aren’t going to become the next Stephen King or Tolkien, we’re going to be small indie writers looking for a way to get our words into the world. So I would have liked it if the course touched up on the more realistic side of the career more.

I didn’t live at UOP dorms or housing, I was fortunate to live with my parents but UOP tries to be as accommodating as they can for both their UK and International students, having connections with schools across Europe and China with events to welcome these students and introduce new cultures and experiences. If you’re interested in trying out new cultures and ways of life, consider UOP and what they offer.

Programme: Creative Writing
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Portsmouth, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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