Student review [47221] for University of Kent

Student review [#47221] for Politics and International Relations
at University of Kent

Canterbury, The United Kingdom
Politics and ...
International Relations
09 Jan, 2023
Politics and international Relations

Studying politics and international relations at university has been a challenging but rewarding experience for me. I have gained a deep understanding of the complex systems and relationships that shape global politics, and have developed critical thinking and analytical skills that have helped me to approach issues from multiple viewpoints.

The course curriculum has been well-rounded, covering a wide range of topics from comparative politics and international relations theory to regional politics and international organizations. I have particularly enjoyed learning about the history and current dynamics of international relations, and have found the course’s focus on real-world examples and case studies to be very engaging.

The lecturers at my university have been knowledgeable and passionate about their subjects, and have provided a wealth of resources and support to help me succeed. I have also appreciated the opportunity to engage in class discussions and debates, which have allowed me to hone my communication and problem-solving skills.

Overall, I have greatly enjoyed my study of politics and international relations at university and believe that it has prepared me well for a career in this field. I highly recommend this course of study to anyone who is interested in understanding the world around them and making a positive impact on global issues.

Programme: Politics and International Relations
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Canterbury, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
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