Student review [9310] for University of Hull

Student review [#9310] for Foreign Languages
at University of Hull

Hull, The United Kingdom
Foreign Languages
24 Oct, 2018
Misleading information on the PGCE in secondary education in MFL SPanish&French Year 2012/13

What I am going to write on the University of Hull is based solely on my experience as a postgraduate student on the PGCE in secondary education in MFL Spanish & French, academic year 2012/13. Before joining the University of Hull I had been considering to take on some teaching training, and as I had taken most of my higher education in the UK, I decided to put all my energy and effort in finding a postgraduate in secondary education in modern foreign languages. Immediately after I had applied for several PGCE providers I got some interview offers, and as the one from Hull seemed to be the most interested in my profile as a prospect student, I decided to give it a go. Before moving to Hull, a city located in the North East of England, I applied for a room in the halls of residence. I secured a room, and then I moved there at the beginning of the summer of 2012 to start a French extensive course that would last for the entire summer. The main reason for having to take on this intensive summer French course was that they thought my level of French needed a bit of improvement. In fact, I had to attend to this and complete it satisfactorily, otherwise I would not be allowed to make any further progress on the PGCE course, which would start almost immediately after we had completed the French course. So far all good while attending to the French course, as I really enjoyed the French lessons, and mixing with students from all across the UK and Europe, and even there were some students from South America. I must say that I specially enjoyed the French lessons at a one to one basis with a native French lady, who had been a PGCE student herself earlier on. These lessons were a lot of fun for me, as I am a very sociable lad, and the best way for me to learn a foreign language has always been practising it with native speakers in a more laid back environment rather than at a formal one. We also had the opportunity to take part on a two weeks stay in La Rochelle, a beautiful and very popular French city off the Atlantic coast. Apparently the university of Hull had been organising this two weeks stay in collaboration with the Tourist office of La Rochelle for quite a few years, so it was a complete success in terms of the language activities, which in my case were organised by the Tourist office of La Rochelle, as well as the accommodation with French families and the social and cultural activities were a lot of fun too. On the whole I must say that the French extension course was a very rewarding experience. My nightmare started when the PGCE in secondary education in MFL started. The main reason because this PGCE lacked a language specialist in Spanish, so I thought how are they going to instruct me in Spanish or what it is more important, how are they going to be able to evaluate both the quality of my Spanish knowledge, and my Spanish lessons? Further, I found the methodology used a bit nonsense. This would consist on planning to detail endless slops of lessons, which in my view, resulted in adding an unnecessary amount of extra work to the one we already had, as we had to attend daily university lectures and we also had to write extensive essays which also meant that we had to do an important amount of reading. Therefore, I was not happy at all with this situation, specially because I was not just an average student, before joining this PGCE I had already taken on two master degrees, and one of them was as a specialist in teaching English. This means that I had already been trained to teach a language, both as a English teacher at secondary school level and as a English professor assistant at university level. Yet on this occasion I had followed a completely different methodology that was CLIL, more commonly known on the field as bilingualism. So as you can imagine throughout the course of the PGCE I had many disappointments and arguments with the PGCE director, which lead to me deciding quitting this postgraduate course. The final result was that out of 18 students who started this PGCE in MFL, on half of them concluded the course. But what is more discouraging is that to date only a couple of these students are still working as language teachers in England. In fact, the statistics on this matter are that more than 40% of the PGCE students in MFL will quit their teaching jobs in their second year. It is also quite revealing to have heard that the PGCE director of my course moved to a different university immediately after the course has concluded. Nonetheless, with all these prospects the University of Hull did not bother to find out why half of these PGCE students in MFL did not complete the course. In my view this university handled very poorly this situation, I strongly believe they could have done a bit more to save the students who quit. Moreover, the statistics should be proof enough for the universities and the education authorities to make some important changes, otherwise this problem with the high number of quitters in PGCE MFL students and language teachers will continue.

Programme: Foreign Languages
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2013
Campus: Hull, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
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