Student review [13901] for University of Exeter

Student review [#13901] for Geography
at University of Exeter - UOE

Exeter, The United Kingdom
17 Feb, 2020
Location and teaching great, other parts good

-Facilities- good quality library, campus buildings accessible from each other. Hilly

-Accommodation- expensive, both halls of residence and student housing.

-Teaching- enjoyable course, stimulating material. Geography draws on sociology, politics, philosophy etc which gives it great breadth.

-Internationality- I don’t think this is a very helpful criterion. There is an international building for the international students. A better term might be diversity; there is a somewhat homogenous mix of wealthy students from the south of England

-Location- probably the stand out advantage compared to other universities. Campus is near the city, which is pleasant and has everything you need as it is the central place for services for Devon, aside from Plymouth. Countryside and campus are pretty, sea is 10 miles away. Good rail links to surrounding area and London. The high street is just chain stores but there are plenty of individual pubs, shops and cafés to make up for it elsewhere

-Value- fees are the same across the country, it is a good quality university, the teaching quality is better at oxbridge but equal to or better than most other places

-Student life- clubs are fairly similar to elsewhere, with a few exceptions, lots of societies. Outgoing people will have a good time

-Career prospects- a degree from here is respected; geography is broad, interesting and means you can enter lots of fields but it won’t necessarily make you stand out, which is the price for keeping options open.

Programme: Geography
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2015
Campus: Exeter, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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