Student review [11333] for University of Exeter

Student review [#11333] for Business Management
at University of Exeter - UOE

Exeter, The United Kingdom
Business Management
16 Jul, 2019
Small town - big uni

Two and a half hours by train from Paddington puts you at the centre of the action. Exeter is a small town with an even bigger University (it least that’s what it feels like). The main campus is situated on the north side of town, but within easy walking distance to almost everything you might find in Exeter. The surrounding area is beautiful with nature all around and the sea relatively close. With good student accommodations on campus you never have to be afraid of having to walk too far, at least in your first year. You will anyway have to get used to the many hills around campus. The campus location is great, with good library facilities and lecture halls etc. There are also plenty of distractions, but perhaps fewer than if you were studying in a big city. Naturally, The majority of students are British from somewhat different backgrounds. There there is also a large international community with many active cultural societies bringing people together. Overall there is a huge amount of different activities and societies you may join, it being hobby activities, culture or sports societies. They all seem to be open and very social. (I haven’t tried all of them) Academically you will definitely find challenges if you seek them (which you sort of have to). The lecturers and tutors in my course are all very engaged and eager to teach, especially if you are eager to learn. Lectures at the Business school can be somewhat large, but in the small tutorials and seminars you have a great chance of experiencing and working with the topics as well as asking questions… Most people show great willingness to learn (especially just before exams) but also throughout the year, which creates a good work atmosphere and chance to at least attempt living up to your potential.

Programme: Business Management
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2021
Campus: Exeter, The United Kingdom
Career Prospects
Student Life
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